Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Preparing the citrus bed.

The old avocado spot and compost heap is now stoned in and dug over. Just need to wait for all the organic matter to break down, the seeds to germinate so I can mulch them and a sprinkle of gypsum won't go astray. 
I've also put in two more steps with some railway sleepers I moved from the place the avo tree is now in. 

Monday, 24 June 2013

The winter garden, the avocado tree and me.

A few weeks ago I decided that I would need to move the avocado tree I recently planted. Ostensibly because it wasn't in the right spot, but really I wanted to fit in more mandarin trees. My rescue mandarin is doing so well this year I felt encouraged to plant more and have successive fruiting. 
I didn't look up the 'right' time to move the avo. It looks like it has buds ready to go and the roots were dormant. I moved three barrow loads of its soil that I'd built up out of compost so it felt at home. 
This spot looked so sunny in the midday winter sun. Previously it has been a chicken run, duck puddle and most recently a dumping ground for logs too large to fit into the Nectre. 
I feel content with my garden progress and useful morning exercise!