Coro Walk
I haven't ever really set goals before, so earlier this year I set myself a goal of learning to walk. By this I mean developing the habit of walking regularly and not quitting. I also have a vague goal of learning to write but I haven't quantified it so it's a bit behind.
This morning I um'ed and ah'ed, debating whether I should sit and crochet all day or go for a 'big' walk beforehand, to delay dying.
(It occurs to me that I have had a previous goal which I set when I was 29 and half and my Saturn was returning or something, to finish all the unfinished projects I was hoarding. I pretty much did that too. Ok, maybe I've lied about not setting goals.)
Later on this year I tacked on losing weight to my learning to walk goal, to support my hubby in his "I'm 40 and I'm gonna die" losing weight goal.
So far I've lost nearly 10 kgs, which is how fat the Wii Fit said I was, so that's nice. Can't say I've enjoyed not eating, but there you go.
Anyway, my walking goal started at 30 mins a day. Walking 30 mins was easy enough, but not every day. I had small landmark achievements such as walking three days in a row, missing only one day in a week, losing count of how many days since I hadn't walked. I learnt to celebrate every small thing by playing World of Warcraft.
I was pretty sure this morning as I overcame the small hillock of apathy and put on my hiking shoes, no light weight walking shoes for me, I'm hardcore! Off I set. It started well, with my usual 'round the block, walk the dog, hilly' walk, I then deviated at the end for my 'long river' walk, yes they all have names. The plan was to continue down this walk to the Primary School, but as that goal neared I started wavering in my mind. One step at a time, I thought. As the diversion to the Frank Smith Reserve walk approached I realised I wasn't going to make it, this time. I asked Badger, he concurred, time to head home.
I arrived home feeling slightly defeated, but warm and tingly, I'll have to work on that stamina. The free pedometre app I downloaded before I left said I took 7500 steps and walked for an hour, so that's quite pleasing. Next goal, 10,000 steps!
(And I've managed to write something today, whee!)